Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Where am I now? Well, I have delved into a new activity/lifestyle frequently referred to as “a real job.” While this phenomenon is looked down upon by some, it’s really not too shabby. In the world of advertising I find myself surrounded by explorers, thought leaders, artists, and an assortment of creative folk that concept wild ideas for a living. Frankly, I wouldn’t be surprised if we had unlimited access to a wise old talking owl fully equipped with a monocle and large rubber stamp labeled, “Go With It.”


When I started this blog, I was on an adventure– playing music, taking wild trips, often avoiding reality in any way possible. Now I’ve finished school, moved to Detroit, and accumulated a nice assortment of slacks, dress shirts, and corduroy blazers as I slowly transform into the somewhat typical, creative city slicker type. Don’t get me wrong though, I still throw on the ripped jeans; grab an axe [guitar] and head downtown for some late night blues jams. I couldn’t live without that stuff.

So what’s next? Over the next month I’m looking into new positions at the agency, and a few on the west coast just for kicks... I’m looking into a few downtown lofts where I can setup a decent recording area and really get back into making music. I’m hanging with some really cool people, staying out of trouble, yet still living up to my given reputation of “always kickin’ it.”


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